A poignant memoir of childhood, SAINT SOMEBODY tells the story of the author’s youthful quest to acquire world wide celebrity, personalized attention, and approval by way of a complicated and misguided approach to sainthood.
Raised in southern California until suddenly uprooted and relocated to southwest Missouri, Teresa must transition from a world of beach parties and year round summer-time to a tiny, antiquated mining town surrounded by chat piles and her first-ever experience with a year divided into four seasons.
Her departure from the religious tradition of Catholicism into an independently self-devised belief system eventually leads her to relinquish her goal of sainthood. Thereafter, she discovers the basic tenants of Christianity and accepts the doctrines of love, forgiveness, and service to others as a calling more noble than religious celebrity.
Originally written as a private memoir, distributed exclusively to the author’s family, Saint Somebody is humorous, inspirational, and a highly relatable narration of growing up in the 1960s and '70s.