Explore the particulars of a life lived many years ago. Allow your imagination to travel back in time to the dusty streets of Bethlehem, to the starlit nights that crowned the land of Judea, to the shepherds’ songs, and to the beautiful traditions of that sacred era. In so doing, you will find yourself captivated by this love story.
SONG OF BETHLEHEM takes the reader on a twenty year journey through the life of Joseph of Nazareth and his two dear friends Eli and Rivka of Bethlehem. The surprisingly plausible tale of a bond of love and friendship begins with Joseph at the age of fourteen and concludes on the night that he becomes the earthly father of the Messiah.
This novel of historical fiction is highly emotive, inspirational, seasoned with humor, and convincing. Presented in a tender, story-teller’s approach, the author’s research and attention to detail make every scenario a true possibility.